WiggyWear™ From The Beginning To Now.

March, 2017: 

I experienced marketing from one of the world's smartest marketers, Russell Brunson. After stumbling across that ad, I immediately fell in love with the idea of selling other people's products and getting a cut for it. So I joined and had my first experience selling something that wasn't my own. 

September 2017: 

I began to fail after learning all that I could from affiliate marketing and immediately trying to sell a course teaching what I had learned from Brunson. I had mastered the idea of marketing but after selling a few courses, I knew that it wasn't my gig and while trying to create tools and services for other affiliate marketers to use, I failed out in October of 2017, one of my hardest and fails yet. 

December 29th, 2017:

I knew I didn't want to continue down the same path I was going, and I needed a new thing in my life to work on. So I created WiggyWear™ after learning a ton about ecommerce and watching a ton of Youtubers like Nate Andreshak I knew I could do the same. So by January 3rd, 2018 I had bought the domain for the first time ever. 


The beginning, I wanted to spend the year learning all that I could and I did, I created my own merch for WiggyWear™ and sold a few units. Though the brand wasn't going to take the way it needed to, and after a full year of learning I began taking things much more serious into the end of 2018.

January, 2019:

I partnered with a very trustworthy partner for social media that helped me build a following for the brand. Though we were never successful at getting to 10,000 followers. We knew that having a successful social media would help expand the brands identity.

March - May 2019: 

We began working more with social media and building out a store called StartUp Swag WiggyWear™'s first brand outside of itself. StartUp Swag would go off to sell almost $200 worth of products in that time, just with motivational quotes on a social media. We sold $20 posters. 

June - July 2019: 

The company got slowed significantly with new bans from Instagram where we were getting sales and eventually we tossed in the towel on that whole marketing practice. 

August 2019: 

We had our 2nd brand come to us through the power of social media BLARE™ Watches & Jewelry. Co-Founder, Shakeel Ali, wanting a partnership to help get the business to the next level. So after I deleted all of the old products, reformed the company into a POD company, and launched new products. We launched our first ad on Pinterest in August. We were very unprofitable due to the fact that the watch had a simple design but lots of clicks and interest. We would go on to leave Pinterest, though had plans on coming back. We have yet to do so. 

October - December 2019: 

We began to remove the watches and move toward a jewelry store, and was ready to go at the end of 2019. 

January, 2020: 


Dear Partners, 

Fulfillment partners, we understand all that you have been through this past month. We will continue to work with you into the new quarter and will work with you on delayed fulfillment. 

Production Partners, we here at WiggyWear™ respect that you have closed your doors to keep your employees safe during these times of uncertainty. We look forward to working with you all more on opening your doors and paying your employees during a time like this one. 

Earnings: We generated a profit in February but lost it in March, and that tells me that the holiday's this year are going to be a big deal. We believe that we are going to be profitable into the new year and we believe it's going to be worth the time you have put into this business, because it's coming!


  • Michael Carpenter

    This is really cool, just testing out the feature! I guess I might keep this bad boy going!!

  • Michael Carpenter

    This is an awesome blog! You guys should really keep it going, maybe I will.

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