Q1 2018 Earnings Report

Q1 2018 Investors And Partners Earnings Report

Dear Investors, 

We believe in the long term, and since starting this business December 29th, 2017 we believe it to be true still to this day all profits will be made in the long term. This quarter we were not able to make a profit and made very little income, though connected with new partners and have began to connect with other businesses in which might help us grow as well. I have been known to work hard and prove that we have what it takes but I need my investors to follow along with us, because this journey is not going to be a fast and profitable one, it's definitely a long term play. - Founder & CEO, Michael Carpenter

To all our partners, we have been blessed to work with some of you this quarter, we will continue to build more and stronger relationships with you in the coming years. We believe in the long term, this is not a sprint it is a marathon and we hope to have you join us on this journey.