Q1 2019 Earnings Report

Q1 2019 Investors And Partners Earnings Report

Dear Investors, 

First off I would like to thank you all for being apart of this journey, WiggyWear™ is headed in a different direction that I thought I should share with all of you today. WiggyWear™ has just recently adventured into more monthly subscription based businesses, launching our first offer called StartUp Swag Monthly which is a monthly sock subscription that we will support entrepreneurs with. The company is off to a great start, generating just over 50 new subscribers since launch about 2 weeks ago, and we plan on doing a bigger launch moving forward. StickerWeenie, a sticker printing business of ours, has been off to a great start landing it's biggest client yet, though we don't believe the business has a long term play, and will be profitable quick but not at all long term. DesignStudio was launched last month, addressing a need for a combination of new designers and experienced ones working toward helping me and my partners grow their businesses. I believe that DesignStudio has a long term play to it, and will continue to be profitable. 

Dear Partners, 

We are in very good standing with our partners, paying off our partners immediately when using services, and ordering in more and more samples every single week. Our customers are reviewing your products as well, so we appreicate that you are taking good care of all the products and making sure that delievery and customer experience are one of the biggest things you all focus on. 

Earnings: We were not profitable enough to talk much about this, profiting roughly about $12 total, we didn't generate enough revenue to really see very much profit, so please expect that by the end of this next quarter we will be back on top and we hope to generate a good amount of profit/revenue into this new quarter.