Q2 2018 Earnings Report

Q2 2018 Investors and Partners Earnings Report

Dear Investors,

Into the future we go, 2018 has been a spectacular first year for us so far, though we are coming incredibly low on funds as we haven't yet turned a profit. We aren't concerned as we are creating revenue and have been working with more investors and getting funding to continue pushing the company further. We hope that our investors and partners are able to respect that moving forward as well. Though we are confident that within the next 3 years we will turn a profit on the company, we are calling our investors and letting them know that we plan on being profitable quite soon.

Dear Partners,

Due to a small problem with getting funding we are behind on two payments to partners, so we are going to resolve those issues soon and we look forward to working with you all in the long term. More orders and products coming this next quarter and we can't wait!

Earnings: We are still not profitable as of today, though we plan on being profitable within the next 3 years. We have some great products coming out along side some even great brands, so we ask all partners and investors to hold while we continue to grow the company outward. Thank you for all you have done, and moving forward.